There’s nothing scary about insurance.
In fact, being properly covered is comforting. Insurance companies are happy to help when they can; it’s their opportunity to prove their services.
The scary part is how you can harm your own insurance strategy when you are careless on the road.
These 3 insurance facts are reason enough to be more responsible behind the wheel.

1. Tickets, violations, and accidents can affect your car insurance premium.
Insurance companies are taking a risk when they insure their clients. If your recent driving history shows that you’re careless on the road, statistics suggest that you’re more likely to get into an accident.
In this case, your premium could increase to protect your insurance company.
Don’t fret; one minor ticket or fender bender shouldn’t hurt too much. After all, nobody is perfect and the whole point of insurance is to protect you in case of a loss.
But if your insurance company is on the edge of their seat because you keep causing trouble on the road, you may be considered a riskier client.
2. You can be non-renewed.
When a company non-renews your insurance, this means they have decided to discontinue your insurance policy when it comes up for renewal.
This generally means that your insurance company has decided that you are too much of a risk to insure or they no longer have an appetite for your business.
If you consistently acquire tickets or are repeatedly involved in accidents, your insurance company could decide they don’t want to insure you anymore.
3. Companies can struggle to find a market for you.
When a company offers you an insurance quote, their job is to offer you a policy that considers the ins and outs of your specific insurance needs, but also your level of risk.
But if they estimate (per your driving history) that you are out of their comfort zone, they may not have a policy to offer you.
To put it more plainly, they may feel that they can’t afford to insure you.
Keep in mind, lying about your history won’t get you far with your insurance company. If they are going to insure you, they’ll need access to that information.
Nobody is perfect. That’s why insurance exists.
As an insurance agency, we understand that, and we can try to requote you or find another company to pair you with should your insurance skyrocket or be non-renewed.
But hopefully you’ve noticed the theme.
Carelessness on the road can translate to a difficult time finding an affordable auto policy with adequate coverage.
For your own sake, be a responsible driver, even when you are insured.